PR Quality

PR quality – consistent and measurable

We are always fully aware that we have an important co-responsibility for the public image of our clients. That is why we attach great importance to the high PR quality of all Flutlicht consulting and services. This is in three respects.

Anspruch Qualität Meeting Agentur Kollegen Flutlicht

1. Quality of PR consulting: 360 degree communication and dedicated ongoing agency development

Our communication expertise as well as our programs to challenge and support our team include a wide range of activities. Traditional PR is the DNA of Flutlicht, upon which the agency based itself at its launch in 2003 and we consistently developed from there. Training courses, own initiatives and self-motivation are a matter of course for each Flutlicht employee, no matter their job level.
Today, we are experts in many communication disciplines and therefore are able to provide advanced consulting and support when it comes to achieving specific company and communication goals. Our state-of-the-art communication mix includes social media and content marketing including SEO as well as professional media work. In this way, we successfully accompany and support our clients with 360 communication consulting and integrate communication services for the digital age. As a realiable partner at eye level, today and in the future. 

2. Team quality: Experienced consultants and consistency in every client team

When putting together a team for a client, we focus on the best possible pairing of individual requirements and demands. We therefore take the industry, communication objectives and account size into consideration. Each customer is guaranteed the proactive involvement of an experienced (senior) consultant with many years of extensive communication expertise. Our account teams form a consistent, reliable back-up structure. Flutlicht clients can rely on our promise that their established agency contacts with acquired specific customer expertise will not change unnecessarily. In terms of assuring quality, motivation and creativity, we pay attention that each Flutlicht employee takes on an acceptable level of customer, project and work volume.

3. Process quality: Flexible, efficient and practical

Our client teams including our trusted partner network flexibly provide the resources that are required for their campaigns, projects and everyday communication tasks. We expect highest standards of ourselves and run efficient internal processes , that guarantee fast response times, widespread availability and absolute reliability. We think along, ask questions and roll up our sleeves at any time. And our clients and partners say it’s actually fun working with us. 

Flutlicht AI Code

  • We focus on people and always give their decisions priority over AI.
  • The responsibility for our texts, created content and services always lies with us at Flutlicht. We use AI tools as assistance tools. All results are carefully checked, edited and adapted to ensure that they meet our (quality) requirements.
  • We handle AI tools carefully and do not use them unchecked or hastily. We ensure that they are used legally correct, ethically and in line with our corporate values.
  • We use AI tools to reduce and simplify our tasks, speed up processes and/or improve work results. In doing so, we want to increase efficiency and productivity. We ensure that AI-supported results meet our quality standards.
  • We communicate transparently for what purposes and in what purposes and in which form we use AI tools – both internally and externally or to our customers.
  • We ensure data protection, data security and compliance with GDPR. We do not process any personal, sensitive or confidential data of our current, potential or former clients, our current, potential or former employees or our agency.


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